Monitoring a heart rate monitor

I bought myself a cheap wearable Bluetooth LE heart rate monitor in order to play with it, and this is a simple Python script to monitor it and plot data.

Bluetooth LE

I was surprised that these things seem decently interoperable.

You can use hcitool to scan for devices:

hcitool lescan

You can then use gatttool to connect to device and poke at them interactively from a command line.

Bluetooth LE from Python

There is a nice library called Bleak which is also packaged in Debian. It's modern Python with asyncio and works beautifully!

Heart rate monitors

Things I learnt:

How about a proper fitness tracker?

I found OpenTracks, also on F-Droid, which seems nice

Why script it from a desktop computer?

The question is: why not?

A fitness tracker on a phone is useful, but there are lots of silly things one can do from one's computer that one can't do from a phone. A heart rate monitor is, after all, one more input device, and there are never enough input devices!

There are so many extremely important use cases that seem entirely unexplored: